The Nokia N9 might probably be the only MeeGo Harmattan fueled smartphone from the company as a brave attempt to rival what is turning out to be a two horse race among iPhones and Androids. With Nokia going overboard on the design and hardware department of the N9 that even Apple and Android OEMs will be taking note of, it all boils down to the availability of quality apps which the two horses are absolutely no short of.
But that seems to be improving now for the N9 as it already has some of the popular apps built in like Facebook, Twitter and a few games like Angry Birds and Need For Speed. And now, developers have started taking notice of this newcomer and are releasing a good number of quality apps. We have a compiled a list of must have apps for you down below:

  • DropN9: Dropbox app hasn’t yet made its way officially to the N9 but instead you can use this client to manage your Dropbox cloud storage.
  • Internet Radio: You might be having the best of audio streaming service but that’s all put to waste without an equally good UI. Internet Radio, fortunately, has a great UI as it is similar to the default music player.
  • Phone Torch:a simple utility app to turn on the camera flash and use it as a torch.
  • Internet Radio: An neat little Internet Radio app for the N9, that features a UI is similar to the default music player with album art being replaced by cover art for the featured radio stations. Discovery is helped along by ‘Hot Picks’, Locations, Language and Genre sections. Detailed post here.


  • Internet Radio: You might be having the best of audio streaming service but that’s all put to waste without an equally good UI. Internet Radio, fortunately, has a great UI as it is similar to the default music player.


  • Phone Torch:a simple utility app to turn on the camera flash and use it as a torch.
  • Photo Enhancer: This ones coming straight from Nokia and lets you add some really cool filters and share your editings.


  • Simple Mirror: Use this to access the front camera.


  • gPodder: Manage and synchronize all your podcast subscriptions with this one nifty app.


  • File Manager: If you missed the lack of a default file manager, then this is what you need.


  • Battery Usage: monitor the battery consumption with this app if you feel something fishy is happening.


  • City Scene: an alternative to google street view.

Shortcuts: change the 4 quick access shortcuts with apps of your choice.
Ionic: An ebook reader that supports the EPUB format.
Sports Tracker: A fitness tracker built into your phone so you don’t have to buy expensive ones.

  • ScreenshotMee: An ingenious way to use the proximity sensor to take screenshots.


  • Photo Frame: Make your pictures better with beautiful frames.


  • Rainbow Brush :With this app, you don’t need to be a photoshop wizard to make black and white pictures with only the focus subject in color.


  • FlickrUp: A simple tool to upload a bunch of pictures to Flick.



  • Mes Input: Customize your keyboard with this app.


  • Resource Monitor: This is the windows task manager equivalent for the N9.


  • Date Event: This display’s your upcoming events on the N9’s events screen.
  • 3D World Gaze: Explore the world around you with this intelligent app.

Source The Handheld Blog