Nest revolutionized the humble thermostat and in many ways made the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) part of the […]
Is the GPL the right way to force IoT standardization?
The Internet of Things has tremendous potential, but remains a mishmash of conflicting “standards” that don’t talk to each other. […]
Employers aren’t picky when it comes to developers
Given how consumed the world has become with big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, one would think […]
Could Blackberry have a real chance in IoT?
The world may be melting down into Brexitian chaos, but for a company like Blackberry that’s the least of its […]
Most IoT developers aren’t in it for the money
Developers aren’t necessarily like you and me. You may choose to spend your free time making bird houses or watching Friends […]
What enterprise wants from Google’s cloud
Google has a dream. It’s an ambitious dream but, with hard work and dedication, Google’s cloud chief Diane Green figures […]
Open source near ubiquitous in IoT, report finds
Open source is increasingly standard operating procedure in software, but nowhere is this more true than Internet of Things development. […]
What everyone’s missing in Apple’s earnings drop
Apple’s iPhone sales declined for the first time since 2003. That’s the bad news, and judging from the pundits, the sky […]
Amazon to competitors: You’re not failing enough
It’s a tough slog, competing with Amazon, particularly Amazon Web Services. The cloud computing giant earns billions more in revenues than its […]
Shipping out: How Docker could scale up massively
The world is rushing to embrace Docker containers as the new, easy way to package applications. As cool as it […]
Microsoft’s New Developer Song Wasn’t Written In Redmond
Microsoft used to be able to count on developers to embrace its technologies and extend its lead in the enterprise. […]
Big Data Investors Put a Premium on Proprietary Software
Open source may be the foundation for big data, but it’s not the ticket to riches.
This New Open Source Project Is 100X Faster than Spark SQL In Petabyte-Scale Production
Alluxio is getting attention from Baidu and other data giants because of its in-memory speed at profound scale.
Is There An App Divide?
Developers in lower-income markets shut out from the big opportunities
New Open Source Contributions Might Just Save Docker
Managing storage and networking in Docker containers can be a nightmare. New Kubernetes contributions may help.
Google’s Mobile Challenge
Mobile is about apps, not search. That could be a problem.
Apple TV: 2,500+ Apps And Growing Like Crazy
There’s an app on your TV for that.
Touch ID Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Apple Pay may be slow to start, but Touch ID will still be a game changer for commerce.
One Googler’s War Against JavaScript Frameworks
Making developers happy, but at users’ expense.
Yelp Open Sources Its PaaS To Liberate You From Docker
Yelp wants to keep you from getting locked into someone else’s cloud.