A first look at the open-source, crowd-funded, cloud-gaming, Android-powered Ouya game console.
Bloomberg Billionaires Index Challenges Tech Assumptions
When it comes to minting the mega-mega rich, tech is about as lucrative as mining.
Taily: And 4 More Bizarre Gizmos From Japan And Elsewhere
Tails that wag when you’re happy, toilet-sinks, and more!
Secrecy: The Real Reason Taking Dell Private Makes Sense
Taking Dell private could help the company avoid bludgeoning its brand.
PopuLeaks’ “NRA Bet” Stumbles Toward A Lighter, More Effective Hacktivism
A dumb promo by an unknown Web site might point the way toward a more fun, productive future for activism.
Payola: The Dark Side of PR
Pay-for-play is alive and well in journalism, and freelance sites are a great cover.
Ultra-Big, Ultra-Cheap Monitors Emerge From The Gray Market
HIgh-resolution 27-inch monitors have long been available at great prices on the gray market. Now a U.S. importer is getting into the game with sub-$400 entry with a real warranty and customer service.
Will Windows 8 Bring HTML5 To Enterprise Applications?
Windows 8 brings native support for HTML5 and Javascript. That could remake the world of enterprise applications – whether enterprise developers like it or not.
Xbox Kinect: Microsoft’s Key To The Living Room?
The Kinect is far more than an Xbox accessory. It’s the linchpin of Microsoft’s entertainment strategy.
Publishing Gun-Owner Names: Can Public Information Be Too Public?
A New York newspaper published the names of all handgun permit holders. Did it go too far?
The CEO’s Social Media Strategy: Ignore It [Infographic]
A new study finds that many smaller companies and business-to-business firms really don’t care a lot of about social media. And plenty of chief executives remain unconvinced as well.
Do Violent Video Games Really Cause Violent Behavior?
What does science say about whether graphic, violent video games are to blame for real-world violent acts?
Cheating DeathWatch: Myspace
After years of bloodletting, Myspace is still around, and it just might be ready to turn the corner behind its new focus and star power.
High-Profile Game Publisher THQ Goes Bankrupt
After years of stumbling toward oblivion, THQ finally throws in the towel and files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection. Its president couldn’t be happier.
5 Can’t Miss Gaming Predictions For 2013
In gaming, 2012 was boring, but 2013 is gonna be a little crazy. Good.
The Lawsuits Are Already Filed: Create Your Mobile Privacy Policy Now!
California has sued Delta, putting every company officially on notice: If you don’t have a privacy policy for your mobile apps, write one today.
Cheating DeathWatch: The CIO
When JC Penney replaced its Chief Information Officer with a Chief Technology Officer, doomsayers took it as a sign of the end of the CIO. Those folks are getting way ahead of themselves.
Life on MARS: Location-Independent Augmented Reality
PAR Works’ technology bases tagging on 3D modeling and visual cues to provide Augmented Reality not tied to GPS.
Why And How To Destroy Your Data
Holding on to old data is a really, really bad idea.
OptioCore: Super-Secure Android Wants To Invade The Enterprise
Will a new extra-secure version of Android reassure enterpriess that it’s safe to adopt Google’s mobile operating system?